Dental Implants and Vitamin D

There are many health factors that influence the success of dental implants. There is a popular misconception that dental implants cannot have problems or eventually fail. They can, and any man-made solution placed into the human body can fail.
It is widely known that smoking and vaping can lead to dental implant failure, and contribute to overall gum disease. Systemic conditions like diabetes or other healing ailments can also cause problems for dental implants.
Delayed healing or problems with healing can create problems after a dental implant is placed and keep the bone and tissue from responding correctly.
In most dental implant procedures, a small incision is placed into the gum tissue, and the bone is accessed. A small hole is placed into the bone, and the implant is placed into the bone, where it will stay and heal for several months. This process requires healthy bone (no matter the age of the patient) and healthy gums. If the conditions are not good, the implant can fail. This usually presents by a loose implant, or infection around the implant. This causes the bone to be soft and not provide a firm foundation for the implant. The implant will need to be removed at that time.
Over the past few years, several studies have proven the importance of proper vitamin levels in the body to create a healthy scenario for dental implant placement. One of the most noteable, is the importance of Vitamin D. Many of us know the importance of Vitamin D in the body for bone and tissue growth. It also has an impact on our immune system and healing time. Unfortunately, many of us are deficient in Vitamin D.
Some sources have determined that the optimal level of vitamin D is 30-100 ng/ml from serum tests. Below 10 ng/ml is classified as severly deficient. You can obtain a test through your physician or from an online company like It may be advisable to get the levels checked.
Anyone getting a dental implant or surgery should have optimum levels of Vitamin D and supporting factors like Vit K, Magnesium, and Calcium.
Larger implant procedures like the “All on 4” process have higher risk and should be done on patients with optimal levels of these factors.
Implants are a big investment and can last a very long time if done correctly with the right circumstances. We always strive to provide the best service possible and have your implants looking great! If you are thinking about dental implants, you should check your levels to be ready when the time comes! You are always welcome to schedule a consult with Dr. Lipscomb, and talk about the possibilities!