Invisalign® Success stories happen all the time at Fairway Smiles Dental in Midlothian. Dr. Lipscomb has been offering Invisalign for over 20 years and it shows!
This patient patient wanted to correct an open space between her upper and lower teeth. Most cases like this are the result of a tongue thrust. A tongue thrust is the tendency of the tongue to push forward at times. This pushing over time, can influence the teeth to move in the direction of the push. It may be from a tongue tie, or another airway blockage.
As you see above, we were able to resolve the problem with Invisalign in a little over 1 years’ time. The lower teeth were smoothed in between ( we call it IPR) to allow for the teeth to move in the right direction. The patient faithfully wore her Invisalign@ aligners 23-24 hours a day to achieve this result. The success of the treatment always relies on the patient wearing the aligners for the proper amount of time!
You too can get Invisalign® at Fairway Smiles Dental in Midlothian. Call us today at 804-601-6062, and schedule your consultation!